Short & Sweet

November 15th, 2011 in Books/Reading, Children's Books

There are lots of days when I feel like reading short & sweet stories to the girls. At our latest Barnes & Noble outing while we were in St. George, the girls found these gems.

Squish Rabbit, by Katherine Battersby 



Squish Rabbit, by Katherine Battersby is about a sweet little rabbit that feels so small, left out and lonely. The rabbit tries a few things to cheer himself up and solve the problem, but they don’t work. Finally he finds a friend to play with at the end of the book. I loved how the bunny worked to solve his problems, tried many things and went out of *his* way to make a friend. He didn’t wait for someone to come along to him! This book is so helpful for my middle child; she can have a hard time feeling left out. The expressions on the characters faces and the illustrations are just so cute. Love owning this book.

P.S. I also have to play this song to my middle child daily and remind her what the song says to do!

Little Mouses’s Big Secret, by Eric Battut

Little Mouses’s Big Secret, by Eric Battut is about a cute little mouse that finds a yummy treat! He hides it behind him as all his friends say hello and ask him what he is hiding. He is too busy trying to hide his treat to keep to himself that he misses what is growing behind him! His treat turned out to be a seed, and a tree is blossoming. At the end it shows the grown tree dropping treats on his head. Then all his friends come running back and grab a treat of their own along with him. This helps him to learn that some secrets are just better to share so you can enjoy things with people you love. Cute, short and sweet book!

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