Wednesday:Mid Week Ramblings—Healthy Eating

There are so many responsibilities as a parent, one of them being teaching your children to be healthy brave eaters. It takes a lot of planning, organization, patience and consistency. From introducing them to new foods, trying to buy local, trying to cook organically, making sure you feed them according to the food pyramid, and doing it all without being to pushy/controlling….

Its hard work, but its worth it! We need our children to have a healthy relationship with food and develop good eating habits.

For the past 4 weeks we have started eating only WHOLE GRAIN ORGANIC flour, rice, couscous, pancake mix, oatmeal and bread. We have been eating a variety of vegetables and fruits. And, the saddest part of all, we are enjoying sweets a lot lot less. I have been feeding my kids this way, but we weren’t, and with the oldest turning two it was time for us to lead by example. So that’s the pledge I made.

Make yours, it will be worth it….

I will begin to post more on tips to healthy eating….if you have any please pass them along!

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