Wednesday: Mid Week Ramblings—Journaling

October 1st, 2008 in Wednesday: Mid Week Ramblings

The giveaway is a few posts down.

What kind of personal journaling do you?

What about your mother, grandmother, great grandmother?

What journaling do you DO for your children?

What do you have your children do on their own?

I was in the habit of writing my girls weekly (since they are to young to actually write) until our vacation 2 MONTHS AGO and I got out of the habit, I am going to have to pick that up again ASAP.

One of my most cherished possessions is my Great Grandmother’s “remembrance book” full of pictures, letters, poems, love letters.

I recently bought a simple notebook for my oldest daughter to start keeping a record of herself in. Although I don’t even know what are you supposed to write about in a journal?

What sort of things do you do for record keeping, journaling, etc.? This is a tradition I would like to start right away.

I would just love for someone one day to think of my own or one of my daughter’s journals/books of remembrance/writings as a cherished possession of their own.

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