Tuesday: Weekly Book Review—Book We Found at Grandma’s House

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This cute book we read while we were visiting our Grandparents in California. I always check out people’s book collections because you always find something new!

 Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens is an original tale, which is hard to find sometimes, and we really enjoyed it.

 Here is a quick summary, “Bear has lots of money and lots of land – and he’s lazy. Hare has nothing but a hungry family – and he’s smart. Hare is sure there’s a way to share Bear’s wealth, so he and Mrs. Hare cook up a plan. The Hare hops down the road to Bear’s place and proposes that Bear donate land, Hare handle labor, and they split the crop in half. All Bear has to do is choose the half he wants – tops or bottoms. Sleepy Bear takes tops but finds once the harvest is in that he’s been tricked by clever Hare! With roots in European folktales and the slave stories of the American South, Tops & Bottoms celebrates the trickster tradition of beating hardship by using one’s wits. And an acre of hilarity tops it all off!”

Janet Stevens was not an author I was familiar with, we are looking forward to checking out more of her books, are you familiar with any of these?

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