Tuesday: Weekly Book Find—Momma’s Picks

March 24th, 2009 in Tuesday: Weekly Book Review

#1 For the past couple of weeks, I have found myself being snippier than usual to my girls. I need a refresher course in positive parenting practices so I have been turning my house upside down trying to find this book!

Reading Scream Free Parenting by Hal Runkel taught me very important parenting lessons, you can read my review on it here.

#2 I attended a luncheon a few weeks ago where Muffy the author of the above book spoke to us. I am looking forward to reading her book next week, Confessions of a Slacker Mom by Muffy Mead-Ferro. I have a feeling I am either going to love it or absolutely hate it, I will let you know. While listening to her talk it was a good reminder for me to continue to work on not being an extreme “helicopter parent.”

#3 The reason my Grandmother and I got along so well is because we both love Frank Sinatra, old movies and reading cookbooks. Visiting Grandma meant lying in bed to watch movies, sitting on the porch to sing and talking about recipes and gardens. I sure miss you Grandma. I am ecstatic that soon to be arriving on my front porch will be, The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen by Teri & Serena. Now if I was visiting Grandma at her beautiful home & gardens in Washington (they have now been sold) it would be perfect. I could have the book signed, they are doing a signing just a few minutes from her old home.

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