Thursday: Importance of the Arts—Art Group #1

September 11th, 2008 in Thursday: The Importance of the Arts

Click here for the giveaway.

Art Group Activity #1

I planned on reading this to the kids before we began painting but I returned it to the library by accident so lets pretend I did 🙂

“A frustrated grade school artist, Vashti sits slumped over her blank piece of paper at the end of art class. “I just CAN’T draw!” she tells her teacher. Her teacher first uses wit, then subtle yet clever encouragement to inspire her student to go beyond her insecurities and become, in the words of a younger boy who “can’t” draw either, “a really great artist.””

We did do art projects, which are by far the messiest I will do for a couple of months.

Laundry Line Spray Painting which is pretty simple.

You hang a white sheet on a clothesline.


Prepare a few bottles of powdered tempura paint, water and a touch of liquid dish soap. Which by the way DO NOT BUY THESE, they are so cheapy and broke after two minutes of using them. We just dumped it over our hands and smeared it on, so it worked out fine.


And Spray away! (for our next art group we are going to turn the sheet into stuffed art that we will finish decorating with fabric markers).


Shaving Cream Finger Painting which is basically spraying shaving cream over some paper, adding dots of paint and letting them go at it! We did have 6 other 2 year olds there but I don’t feel comfortable posting their pictures, so you will just have to see more of my daughter 🙂


But check out their beautiful masterpieces!

Love the art smock Abby is wearing? Click hereto purchase.

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