Things I Loved Last Month

March 21st, 2013 in About Me

I of course don’t love that Shae got a black eye. Her sister was helping her out of her chair and she fell and hit her head. She had a nice knocker on her head and a big black eye. After falling one more time. Tyler went out and bought a highchair and threw away the little booster seat we were using for her.

I really enjoy that almost everything we make is from scratch. Not the girl’s snacks though and they aren’t snacking very healthy. I need to fix that.

I will never tire of dressing my girls alike. Abby and Cameron wore these outfits and now I have another set to wear them.

Claudia is a lot of fun to have at the house. She teaches me to cook new things, which I adore. And is so sweet to all the girls.

Yoga babies. I wish I could get more yoga in–well any yoga. Everyone out here does it, it is the perfect place to work on this goal of mine. But Reagan is just going through such a hard time period that, right now isn’t the season. But I hope in a few weeks it is a goal I can work towards.

I am always game for trying new food. If the feria has something I have never seen I ask to try it or how to cook it at home. At restaurants I get things off the menu I have never had before. This is a new favorite snack–plantain chips. They have them in sweet, salt, and lemon flavors.

I feel so lucky that my two oldest adore to read. It makes me smile to find them like this.

Lastly, I did NOT enjoy finding a scorpion in my house. They are fast little suckers. Shae saw it first, then Claudia, then me. Who caught it and threw it outside. Tyler asked me why I didn’t kill it and told me it would come back. And it did! So Tyler finally killed it. But now it has been three weeks and Shae still walks around the house pointing everywhere and screaming, “BEEEEES!” Which is her word for bees or flies or iguanas or scorpions.

Phew, I feel like I have finally caught up on blogging. Sort of. We did have Abby’s 7th birthday and a long fun trip from Tyler’s parents. But that just happened so I don’t feel too bad not getting to it yet. This blog has really just become something that is important to *me* documenting my family’s lives really is something I enjoy doing.

Pura Vida.

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