Posts tagged ‘farmers market’

White Elephant Collective

Thursday, August 13th, 2009 in Saturday: Shopping!

A couple weeks ago at the SLC Farmers Market I wandered into the Art Section and saw this vendor: White Elephant. “Yes, please, I would like one of everything and by the way, where is your card? I am blogging about you soon because I am in love!” I said before even introducing myself. And now […]

Saturday: Shop! I Heart the Farmer’s Market

Saturday, September 6th, 2008 in Saturday: Shopping!, Health

Can you start to see fall? Can you start to smell it? Getting excited for it? I AM!! Fall is my favorite and my best (as Lola and Abby would say) it just makes me so happy! While at the Farmer’s Market (well the few times) is when I started seeing Fall. Click here for […]