Summer Social Retreat ’09

August 12th, 2009 in Saturday: Shopping!

Top 5 Reasons Why the Summer Social Retreat Was Fantastic

#5 Receiving April’s Favorite Things, which were presented to us in our “swag bags.” They were amazing! April has the best taste!

#4 Meeting new bloggers (IS*LY, Redhead Recipes, Progressive Pioneer) and catching up with old blogging friends!

#3 Enjoying Midway–it’s simply gorgeous! I arrived in an off mood and left feeling rejuvenated.

#2 Remembering how much I love horseback riding and using that to convince my husband (almost) to getting a horse.

#1 Being reminded of the feeling of support and kindness in the blogging/social media community.

There were so many amazing women in that room and I was honored to be invited! Thank you, April, for putting together this amazing event!

Most of my blog post on this was done in video form and first off, let me apologize. I was tired. More specifically, I was tired to the point of giggling like an eight-year-old girl the entire time. Please, just excuse me and hopefully I will be considered on the list of women invited next year. But let’s be honest, it just might not happen.

My Top 5 New Finds at The Summer Social Retreat

#5 Durango Soda Co.~Zuber Fizz Soda Pop Chocolate Soda? Yes, please…did I slip an extra bottle into my bag before I left? Well, maybe I did.

#4 Yes to Carrots Yes, I will say YES! And I will tell everyone I know about this lip gloss. It is my new favorite and I just adore it.

#3 Fotohok Photography She was perfect fit with all the ladies and made taking pictures fun, not to mention her photography is amazing. Thanks for letting me use some of your photos in this post!

#2 Sorel Boots How did I not know about this company? THIS will be my go-to company for boots this upcoming winter and we are going to look fabulous in them!

#1 Dinner provided by…

Shirley J’s (dinner) @Shirley_J

The Chocolate Bakery (dessert) @TheChoco

Amazing! I am a future customer for life, trust me.

I can’t wait until the next Summer Social Retreat! Thanks for having me!


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