
April 20th, 2012 in About Me

I think tonight I hit a big roadblock and am feeling pretty down in the dumps.

I feel so silly because I know people are going through things I can’t even comprehend.

And so I will tell myself to just be quiet and be thankful. Which a lot of the times is really good for me, but after today, I don’t have the energy to tell myself that.

I am just frustrated that a silly trip to the zoo where I had to walk around for just a couple of hours was so hard on my body. That I can’t stop bending over the toilet and being in so much pain. How in the world am I going to survive the summer?

Then I saw this:

have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?
And I got the answer to my question. I need to stop my whining and complaining and figure this out with God. Why have a spent so much time whining, groaning, complaining about it and I haven’t asked Him what I should do? I ask for help from Him, say thank you when I have had a great day, but I haven’t used Him to figure out what I should do. I haven’t spent time on my knees trying to figure it out.
Sometimes I really feel silly when I don’t see things that are as plain as day.

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