Proud Mom

December 8th, 2009 in About Me

This weekend I was a proud mom.  A very, very proud mom.

She has worked hard with her teacher and friends for months to give the greatest Nutcracker performance.

I loved seeing her feel proud of herself. I loved seeing her look up to the older girls who set such a wonderful example. I loved seeing her smile when she noticed me looking at her. I loved how she could tell I was very, very proud.

I loved that Baby Girl was asked to be a Cookie at the last minute. She became a star.  She was in a dream. She was being like her big sister. She exclaimed all weekend, “Abby you are a mouse and I am a cookie,” followed by a giggle.

I love that she felt a part of something with her big sister. I love that she was brave.  I love that she was the youngest one in the whole performance of 125 dancers and that she did spectaular.

I was a very proud mom indeed.


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