Peach and Blackberry Cobbler

September 17th, 2009 in cooking, family

Amber from Because Babies Grow Up is hosting a Fall Fling and asked if I would do a post on what we do to celebrate fall! You can join in the fun at her Fall Fling.  She has fun posts, giveaways, and fun ways you can become a part of her awesome Fall Fling.  Just click the button below.

Fall is my favorite.  I plead with September and October to go by oh-so-slowly (they never listen), and we have an annual “Welcome Fall Dinner.” Here is the amazing cobbler we made to celebrate. This is my one rule.  The fruit MUST be from the Farmers Market- fresh and organic! Makes such a huge difference in a cobbler.

Now I CANNOT take credit for this recipe.  I wanted to try a new cobbler recipe, so I twittered about it and the wonderful Dalene of the great blog Compulsive Writer sent me her recipe!

Peach and Blackberry Cobbler




Peach and Blackberry Cobbler

1. Melt a cube of butter and pour in cobbler pan.

2. Peel and slice seven fresh peaches and toss with sugar. Let sit.

3. Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt and 2 tsp. baking powder. Stir in 1 cup half and half (or milk or heck even full cream).

4. Drain the juice from the sliced peaches and pour the peaches over the butter. Toss on a handful of lightly sugared blackberries over the peaches

5. Pour the batter over the peaches. Bake at 350 for about 40-50 minutes or till done.

6. Toss a mixture of cinnamon and sugar over the top about half-way through

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