Nie Nie Day and Silent Auction

August 23rd, 2008 in Giveaways

Head over to Design Mom to participle in her silent auction next Thursday to help raise funds for Stephanie and Chrisitian.

Here is one of my favorite posts from Stephanie’s blog, I love her photography from her Day Four Bluewater Bounty, I do want to ask her where she got fantastic shirt and pretty awesome shoes 🙂

We are keeping you in our prayers as a family, get well.

You can donate by clicking here:

And you can also participate in the silent auction I am holding here on Thursday. The winner will receive a doll from Persimmon and PinkAdele Wool Dolland this adorable book to go along with the doll, Mud Pie and Other Recipes–A CookBook for Dolls. Both things perfect for playing pretend with your children.


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