Mrs. Muffly’s Monster by Sarah Dyer

July 22nd, 2011 in Books/Reading, Children's Books

There is still time to sign up for your local library’s summer reading program! So for this whole week I’ll share some of our most recent pretty awesome book finds.

Mrs. Muffly’s Monster by Sarah Dyer is not a book I would have picked up on my own. Sometimes the covers on books are not the best picks! Cameron actually picked this up and asked me to read it to her. It is written from the perspective of some nosy kids that are watching their neighbor do some odd things.

Like buying an extraordinary amount of eggs, flour, jam and other ingredients! In the kids’ minds, she obviously must have a monster living with her that uses the eggs to do his hair and the sugar to “sweeten him up.”

But at the end they see Mrs. Muffly at the cake contest in the town. She has made the largest cake known to man and THAT is why she had been doing all of those very odd things.

Mrs. Muffly’s Monster by Sarah Dyer is one we will have to buy soon. The girls really enjoyed this silly story.


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