Monday’s Maven

November 8th, 2010 in Monday's Maven

Monday’s Maven


that is her mother marrying them, isn't that awesome?

Full Name: Emily K


Location: Las Vegas

kids: 1 Sweet Boy we call Squishapillar aka Squish(y), Melon Man; 17 months old.  Squishapillar came from the fact that he was a Squishy 10lbs 2oz at birth (2 weeks early) and the face that he would make as a newborn that looked like a Caterpillar.

One Word that Describes You: Crazy

What makes you smile? My family, rain in Las Vegas, diet coke, the ocean, kisses from my Squishes and Hubs too, bubbles in water, date nights, the first snowfall, baby-wearing, my life.

What is one of your dreams you hope to accomplish soon? I would really like to become certified in ASL.

One of Your favorite motherhood moments? The smile I get every morning when I go in to get Squish from his crib.  Love in it’s purest form.

What is your guilty pleasure? Cake, Mmmm cake!

What do you love most about you? My caring nature.

Favorite Place to eat? Ron of Japan.

Who is your hero? My Mother.  She is seriously one of the most amazing and selfless people I know.

What have you learned so far from blogging, any advice?: Write what you love, the rest will follow.

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