Monday’s Maven

March 29th, 2010 in Monday's Maven

Monday’s Maven

Full Name: Sarah


Location: A suburb of Los Angeles, California.

kids: My husband and I have a daughter named Charlotte.  She is eight months lovely.

One Word that Describes You: Superhero.  (Duh.)

What makes you smile? My family always makes me smile.  I love lazy summer evenings and the scent of homemade bread and the feel of clean sheets when I crawl in bed…but none of that compares to laughing with my daughter or giving my husband a good morning kiss.

What is one of your dreams you hope to accomplish soon? I would love to become a birth photographer.  Ever since I became a mother, the process of laboring and delivering a baby has absolutely enthralled me.  The day of my daughter’s birth remains the single most significant day in my life; I wish that I had pictures of those first small moments when I became a mother.  It would be incredible to make this goal come true before the year ends, but it’s quite difficult to approach pregnant strangers and beg to photograph their baby’s birth.

One of Your favorite motherhood moments? What hasn’t been one of my favorite moments as a mother?  Seriously, I LOVE IT ALL.  I would rather have a rough day with Charlotte than a good day with anyone else.  Okay, but if I had to pick one?  Definitely the moment she first flashed a sleepy smile after I nursed her.  My heart has never been the same since.

What is your guilty pleasure? I LOVE GODIVA KEY LIME TRUFFLES.  Love.

What do you love most about you? I love that I am able to leave the dust bunnies and the dishes and cherish my baby instead.  Plenty of people might say that my home is a perpetual mess, but I am very proud of the fact that my laundry is unfolded because I was playing with my daughter.

Of course, I wouldn’t turn down a clean house either…

Favorite hobby? I love to read!  My parents taught me on Dr. Seuss and Longfellow and I have been reading ever since.  Now that I am a mother, I love reading to my daughter.  Rediscovering the world of children’s literature has been amazing.  I cannot believe how many books I had completely forgotten about!

Who is your hero? My dad.  I hope that I am able to be half the parent to Charlotte that he has been to me.

Your advice to other moms that want to document their life better with photos? how do you catch those special moments and snap those wonderful photos you have?:

The best advice I ever received about photographing a child was this: let them be.  Remember, the pictures you take are supposed to capture your child’s life AS IT IS, not as you think it should be.  And sometimes life is a blur.  A crazy, fast, messy, chaotic, wonderful blur.


The best advice I ever got about photographing MY child was this: get in the picture.  Don’t get lost behind the camera; you are a part of your family and it should show!


And the best advice I ever got about the technical side of photography was this: focus on the eyes.  Nobody is ever going to say “wow, what beautiful shoulder pores that baby has.”  But they will notice the eyes.

Wonderful advice, wonderful Mama, wonderful blogger. Sarah is one of my favorites 🙂 -Vanessa


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