Monday: Weekly Family Activity—Writing Books to Keep in Touch with Extended Family

Tonight for our Weekly Family Activity we are going to write and illustrate books to my children’s cousins who live out of state.

We will teach our girls about literature, help develop their imagination and do something fun to keep in touch with family all in one sitting.

For the first family Abby wants to write a book about her and her cousin being princesses and their little baby sisters will be the unicorns. I thought it would be fun to integrate their favorite TV show into the book—Little Einsteins.
little einstein\'s

For the second family we are going to center it around a magician and his pet dog, both things we know they enjoy.

For the last family we are going to center it around dancing and sports.

Abby and I have even wrote books making her favorite song into a story.

 Moon Moon Moon by Laurie Berkner we developed into a book that she really enjoys.

Since her mother is illustrating challenged we are going to use stickers and cut out from magazines for tonight 🙂

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