Monday: Weekly Family Activity–Herb Garden

March 30th, 2009 in Monday: Weekly Family Activity

I am NOT going to overdo it this year with my Spring garden like I normally do. Unfortunately it doesn’t pay off and with me less is more.

Last year the girls loved helping me put together our herb garden and we have already started it for this year.

Growing herbs saved me tons in my grocery bills, I love to cook with tons of fresh herbs and they can be costly at the store!

I love to use Boonie’s Plants, they use biodegradable peat pots which prevents transplant shock by allowing the roots to remain intact from container to soil.  Bonnie’s exclusive peat pots have already prevented more than 100 million pounds of plastic from ending up in landfills. They’ve also dramatically reduced energy and petroleum required in the manufacture of plastic pots.

Now I need your help with my other garden adventure. I want to grow a “Salsa Garden” and jar the salsa to eat year round, we are big salsa snackers in my home! So I need tips on growing a “Salsa Garden” but even more importantly…


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