Monday: Weekly Family Activity—Going Green

March 16th, 2009 in Monday: Weekly Family Activity

For your weekly family activity you can talk about how to work on being more eco-friendly as a family. Setting a good example for your children is the most important step to take in teaching them to reduce their carbon footprint and to love the Earth. Sometimes it is hard to think of ways you can teach younger children why it is important and how to implement it into their lives. Hopefully this list of ideas will help you out!

  • Arts & Crafts—Take the time to brainstorm together, check out a book from the library or browse the web to find activities that you can reuse supplies to have fun. Teach them to be careful with the amount of paper they use and to always recycle when possible.
  • Errands—When possible, walk, not only is it helpful to the environment but it encourages a healthy lifestyle and gets their wiggles out! Arrange errands with neighbors and carpool, explain to your children why you are going on errands together.
  • Family/Friend Outings—Plan activities, playgroups, vacations that can give you the opportunity to help the environment, support a charity or visit a place that can teach your children more about being eco-friendly.
  • Snacks—Cut down on packaging by reusing bags, drink containers, etc. Get your children in the kitchen to help you make snacks to use throughout the week together!
  • Meals—While at the grocery store or farmer’s market make shopping more fun by explaining to them why you buy organic and local food items.
  • ChoresInvolve them in the preparation of homemade safe cleaning products, explain to them why you choose to stay away from harmful chemicals. Give them a large part of the recycling job in your home by involving them in collecting, sorting and disbursing recycled goods.
  • Nature—Start young by your example in teaching them how to love the Earth. Make sure they understand how beautiful everything is so you can help develop their care and concern for taking care of their surroundings.
  • Everyday Conservation–Teach them through positive reinforcement how they can reduce their use of electricity, water, etc.

What tips do you have?

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