Monday Maven

April 5th, 2010 in Monday's Maven

Monday’s Maven


Full Name: Allison Czarnecki


Location: Utah

kids: I call girl, Precocious 10, boy, Charming 5

One Word that Describes You: fun!

What makes you smile? my husband’s voice

What is one of your dreams you hope to accomplish soon? finishing our kitchen remodel.  Seriously, it’s a dream.

One of Your favorite motherhood moments? My favorite moment as a mother was the day they put Precocious in my arms.  I was a fairly young mom, and I thought “This, THIS is what I was meant to do”

What is your guilty pleasure? Pop culture.  People Magazine, US Weekly.  It’s like a sickness.

What do you love most about you? I know how to roll with it, good, bad, or ugly, and it’s a good quality to have.

Favorite holiday? 4th of July.  I love it because it’s warm, I can go swimming and bathe in the sun with the kids, go to a fun parade in the morning, have a BBQ, and watch the fireworks with my family.  Best day ever.

Who is your hero? my best friend’s mom.  She’s like Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker, mixed in with a little Betty Draper.  She’s a phenomenal dresser, always has a clean & stylishly decorated house, is a wonderful mother, and is filled to the brim with a fountain of wisdom about motherhood.  She’s my go-to when I need serious advice about being a mom.

Your advice to those of us that want to incorporate design into our everyday lives? I’m try to incorporate beautiful things into my daily life: pretty flowers, visually pleasing fixtures, photos, dishes in my house.  It’s the little things that add up to beauty.

Thanks Allison! Allison is one of the warmest, caring and she is right a VERY FUN woman. I feel lucky that I know her. And to top it off her blog gives me fantastic ideas all the time. Miss Allison is the best 🙂


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