Lemonade Stand

July 9th, 2010 in About Me

Why our Lemonade StandIs the Bestest:

#1 Look at it…AWESOME, I know.

#2 We sell those clay necklaces that I showed you yesterday.

#3 Our lemonade is freshly squeezed.  We offer agave and regular.  ALSO, we offer it with fresh local berries.

#4 We make cupcakes like these…

#5 The cutest kids ever are behind the counter.

Here is the problem…and I tend to do this a lot, I have noticed. I went SO overboard that we have only done the lemonade stand ONCE and the thought of doing it again does not excite me. I gotta stop over- performing and throw them out there with a card table and packet of Koolaid!


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