Kids Clay Necklaces

July 8th, 2010 in Crafts

Kids Clay Necklaces

These Kids Clay Necklaces were so easy and fun for my young girls to make.  I love projects that my children honestly CAN help with and that are not too complex.


Polymer Clay



Leather “String”

Kabob Stick


1. Read the directions on the back of your Polymer Clay package and follow to form different shapes.

2. Take your stamp and withOUT ink, put a design into the clay. If using ink, make sure to only use a light amount, and then stamp into the clay.

3. Use the Kabob stick to put a good sized hole into the top of the clay.

4. Bake your polymer clay according to the directions on the back of your Polymer Clay package.

5. After cooling, string in the “leather” and wear!


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