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September 8th, 2009 in Crafts, party time

Last month I wrote a post for Make and Take on Eco-Friendly Celebrating.  Did you see it? Did you? Did you?! 😉 So there was something I left off that post.  Something I had seen out there on the web, in craft books around town, you know, and wanted to get it done before my baby’s…gulp…you know second birthday. Which actually is never GOING to happen, so I have no idea why I am bothering preparing for it.

Now, I mention that I have seen this idea all around town (aka the blogosphere), so no this is NOT my idea.  Sure, it has my twist to it.  But sadly, I am not this creative.

I bought all the materials on a day like this….Oh my, I have way too much stuff to do, brink of breakdown, I am doing NOTHING fun, I am being a mean mama…which honestly either sends me off in the car to the fabric/craft store OR a cupcake shop. And have you noticed how often I go to those two places? TOO often. So this project is a result of one of those days.  It really was so fun to do.  I love projects that my girls are able to help me with.

Really, it is easy. Just check it out.  It is so nice to have birthday decorations that last you throughout the years. Good for the environment, your pocketbook, and it makes things more special IMO.


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