Giveaway #20—The Mother in Me

December 19th, 2008 in Giveaways

The winner of this giveaway is, Aunt Lolo who said, “Oh, I’d love to have this book! The thing I love about my mother is how very ORGANIZED she is. You can give her any series of events or requirements or tasks and she will order them, make a list, check it a few times, and FIND A WAY to get everything done. She’s amazing.”


In my motherhood post I shared with you a wonderful book that helps me to remember that motherhood is a divine calling. However, at the same time it reminded me as mothers we are wonderful and to not be so hard on ourselves.

The Mother in Me: Real-World Reflections on Growing Into Motherhood

The Mother in Me

Motherhood is one of the most transforming experiences of a woman’s life— an exhausting,
                          extraordinary journey. This collection of writings celebrates the season of mothering young children, illustrating its unique challenges and delights, and revealing its deep significance.

Some of the selections are humorous, some thoughtful, some poignant—yet each proves that motherhood matters, “not just in the sentimental ways we talk about on Mother’s Day,” writes editor Kathryn Soper, “but in the gritty, lovely, everyday realities of life.” The volume speaks frankly about health crises, identity crises, and sanity crises, as well as the fruits of such struggles: insights gained, hearts expanded, and faith increased. These shared experiences will make you laugh and cry and want to reach out and hold tightly the little ones in your life.

Created by the staff of the literary journal Segullah: Writings by Latter-day Saint Women

published by Deseret Book

Click here to purchase the book!

I went to the launch party and Nie Nie fundraiser back in October and bought one to many copies and would love to send one to one of you!

To win this giveaway:

-Comment on this post once.

-Share what you love most about your mother.

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