friend brought to you by google translate

March 4th, 2013 in Our Travels Worldwide

People back home always ask to hear me speak Spanish. I have lived here four months, I should be speaking it fluently, no?

Well no. I am not. Learning a language is not something a foggy new baby stage mommy brain does too well. Which doesn’t mean I am trying, oh I am trying. But it is not like I am serving a mission; knocking doors, meeting new people all the time, using my Spanish. Most of the day I am taking care of kids and in my house. Then I go out to take girls to classes or do fun things as a family. Which presents *some* opportunities to speak Spanish and I do take advantage of them.

The main opportunity I have to speak Spanish is at church things. Again I have foggy mom brain and also at least have two kids hanging on me at all times. The branch out here doesn’t have nursery so I am entertaining two babies during the three hours of church. I gave up trying to sit in classes because both girls need to be fed, kept reverent, chased around, burped, etc. But I talk to people in the hallways, help with Primary music, talk to the branch presidency about the hymns for next week. I try try try TRY to talk to people in the hallways–small chat style. It is really easy for me to talk to the YW and YM, I don’t know why. They are really patient with my Spanish. And I feel less tonta messing up with them. I also have this horrible habit, I get so nervous when people come up and try to talk to me. My mind freezes, if I can’t understand one word they have said to me my brain shuts off and stops trying. It is a problem that I am trying to get over.

But sometimes I just want to have friends and feel like I am having real conversations with people. So some of the ladies I am friends with in the branch of FB. So I use trusty ‘ole—sometimes horribly incorrect ‘ole—GOOGLE TRANSLATE. And I talk with them through the week sending messages back and forth.

This is one of my favorite friends brought to you by google translate…

…beautiful Fabiola with her just as spunky-as-Poki daughter. I really one day want to be at least semi confident in my Spanish. So I can walk up to people and know that they can understand me but here and there I don’t know a word. I feel like I have a long way to that and it frustrates me. But for now—pratico pratico pratico!

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