Friday: Play!—Craft Thanksgiving Gratitude Can

November 7th, 2008 in Friday: Play!, Crafts
This year in preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas we decided to make a gratitude can.


We used an old oatmeal can, construction paper, feathers and glue to decorate it. I covered the can in green construction paper and traced every hand in the family. My girls had fun helping me turn our hands into turkeys with cut out feathers along with real feathers.
Then we cut up quite a few strips of green and red paper to go into the container. Every day up until Thanksgiving we are going to write down what we are grateful for and put them in the can. That way on Thanksgiving we can celebrate by reading each one and making them into a long chain. The day after Thanksgiving we will start taking off and reading however many we need to every day to countdown to Christmas.


I think this will work well because as a family we will read every strip three times and use them for a fun activity to get excited for Thanksgiving, a meaningful activity to do on Thanksgiving, and fun way to get excited for Christmas. But more importantly learning to be grateful every day for the next two months.


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