Favorite Kind of Mornings

May 21st, 2010 in Beauty in Everyday, Life

I am trying hard to get life to slow down. I know it can’t be like this everyday.  Quite possibly, I don’t even know the level of busy my life will become because of my kids.  At the same time I just feel the urge in me to Calm Down, Slow Down, Breathe, JUST BE.

I want to have some morning with nowhere to go, nothing on the calender, no things to accomplish. To linger around the breakfast table, take a bit longer to get ready for the day and let the morning just flow naturally.

Like pulling the yoga mats out of the closet, having the girls pick the poses and not sending the dogs away in order to “get to work” and hurry on with our jam packed day.

I need more mornings like these. I do, I do.

What about you?


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