Fall Is Not Easy by Marty Kelley

October 16th, 2011 in Books/Reading, Children's Books

Fall Is Not Easy, by Marty Kelley is a fall book we love. It makes us giggle — the tree just cannot get the hang of things! It feels good during the spring, summer and winter, but FALL?! Fall is just throwing the tree for a loop:

I feel like the tree right now. I feel as if I am entering a new phase of motherhood with the PTA, callings at church that take more time, more demanding kid’s schedules and my husband’s business growing and expanding. And I just can’t seem to grab hold and get a hang of it. Hopefully, like the tree in the winter, I can figure everything out.

But this book? Fall Is Not Easy, by Marty Kelley…it’s darling — worth buying for your house.

P.S. Don’t forget about *OUR FAVORITE* Halloween book. I posted about it last year here. That poor ugly pumpkin didn’t know he was a squash — silly squash. 


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