Exciting News

April 19th, 2009 in About Me

I am finally ready to unveil my new website! This is a project on which I began working a few months after I started this blog, and I am ecstatic it is finally done.

Utah’s Natural Kids helps promote the love of natural, eco-friendly and healthy living in children. I will continue to host my monthly Nature Days, Art Days and Sharing is Caring projects and they will be featured on the new site. Utah’s Natural Kids is set up a little differently. The homepage highlights the most recent post at the top and features previews of the most recent post in all six categories.

I am thrilled to share with everyone my journey of learning how to raise children that love the earth and take advantage of all the wonderful things it has to offer. I am excited to help build a local community of parents who want to work to accomplish the same thing. I have big plans and dreams for Utah’s Natural Kids!

This is my button for the new website, which I will include on the right-hand side of this site. You can get your own copy from the site by clicking below!

In celebration of this and also in honor of Earth Day, this whole week will be “Earth Week.” I will share some of my favorite tips on raising “Natural Kids” wherever they live! 😉


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