Christmas Hand Wreath Craft

December 5th, 2012 in Crafts

Now that we are living abroad we #1 don’t have extra money for recipes, crafts, projects that cost very much mula and #2 unless you want to drive into the capital, supplies are very limited!

That is a-ok with us though, simple and basic feels nice.

Christmas Hand Wreath Craft


green construction paper

red construction paper



colored pencils

piece of cardboard cut into a wreath shape

back paint and paintbrush


1. Cut the wreath out of the cardboard

2. Send your daughter into the jungle to paint it black

3. Trace your hands and color on them things you love

4. Paste onto wreath and hang for all to see.

Some other classics we have been doing are; snowflakes from coffee filters, stockings laced with yard and from foam paper, salt dough ornaments, reindeer from ink thumbprints, and christmas trees out of items from nature.


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