California Trip Odds and Ends

July 15th, 2011 in About Me, Beauty in Everyday

Abby spilled her cookies (as my grandma would request that I say it) two different times at the end of the day while in California. And you know why? Cause candy and pool water don’t mix too well. Also because she tired herself out every day by HAVING THE TIME OF HER LIFE.

Cameron also had a ball and Shae was a sweetheart as always. Tyler really enjoyed having his parents to talk to for days and days. And I…well, I got to finish two books.  In case you didn’t know, this already is a sure sign of a pretty successful vacation.

Here are some odds and ends from our vacation:

River Rafting: Abby screamed in this cute way like she was on a roller coaster (but not a super scary one) the whole time and Cameron fell asleep until a big splash of water got on her. She woke up and said, “Look, I got all wet!” Tyler’s aunt & uncle own a beautiful house right on a river and are big into river rafting.  They are stoked to make sure everyone else can be into it as well! Tyler’s older brother has taken up river rafting as a hobby and now is an excellent guide. So we were very lucky to be able to go on such a fun river rafting trip. It was also the first time I left Shae! It was such fun. Thanks Aunt Jenny & Troy 🙂

The Pool: Mom & Dad have a pool in their backyard which makes their house the IT place every summer. Cameron had 1 billion melt downs about having to wear a life jacket but still was able to have some fun in the pool. Shae wasn’t big about the water but Abby and her cousin…well, that is about all they did. They could not get enough of it.

Fireworks: Grandpa and Grandma took us to see the fireworks. I love this picture (above). This picture alone could summarize our trip.

Kaitlyn & Her Guitar: I have a new sister in law and she has a beautiful voice. I could listen to it all day long. And I did a couple of times.

Walks: Tyler’s parents live in a really beautiful neighborhood. The houses have a nice amount of property, the flowers and trees are very mature and beautiful to look at. The walks around the neighborhood early in the morning were such fun.

Comfy Couches: On my to do list…get a couch as comfy as their couch for movie watching.

School Shopping: My in laws have a tradition of taking their soon to be kindergartner grand kids to go buy a a new outfit and out for a treat. What a fun tradition!

Uncles: Now don’t get my wrong. I love that my girls have AUNTS (and they really do have the BEST aunts) but there is something just so special about my little girls building a relationship with their uncles.

Saying Goodbye to Crash: Crash is…was… our puppy, our third dog. But one day Tyler’s brother who has a job as a principal at a tough high school called asking about buying a guard dog. We love Crash so much but we knew when he said that…that Crash was meant for them. So sadly, we brought Crash with us and now he is theirs…but we are glad we can visit him every time we go to California and that he is part of their family now. He is such a good, good dog and will be great for their family and will protect them.

Lastly…we had a big Cookie Contest Show Down…but that is going to be a post all on its own…stay tuned. I cannot wait.

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