Border Crossing Gone Wrong

February 5th, 2013 in Our Travels Worldwide

I will spare details because our mothers read this blog.

Hi mothers. 

Well we had a border crossing gone wrong. We were told late at night while standing at a border crossing in the dark some bad news. We could not move our car, it could not go into Costa Rica or Nicaragua.

Kindness of strangers got us to some cabinas. That looked so awful and when I heard the man tell my husband that they were dirty and not good for four little girls in Spanish. I ordered that we continue on, and so we did.

The girls were scared, I held onto them tight as they cried as we drove into the dark night finding a place to go.

Kindness of strangers helped us set up a room that we could all sleep in comfortably. Beds lined the walls, we turned that AC up, blasted the fans, and all tried to sleep. Before that we swam in an enormous beautiful outdoor pool, dined on some buttery sea bass, and watched sports in Spanish.

After a restless night of sleep by the grown ups my husband went back to the border and figured out how to get our van. And we were on our way.

Learning lessons, learning life lessons. That is what we are doing out here. You need to be safe, you need to have stranger danger, you need to be careful. But also there still are a lot of good people out there–everywhere. Be your best, be the stranger with kindness that can teach others this.

But boy was I glad to be back home after that, home sweet home.

Pura Vida.

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