Books to HELP Mom–Julie Morgenstern

July 23rd, 2009 in About Me

All of us are BUSY, all of us are overwhelmed at times, many of us just want to run away for a while…oh wait, is that just me? I run this blog, Utah’s Natural Kids, a Social Marketing Company, write for way too many websites, help my husband run his six businesses, try to be really involved in my community and be a mom to two little ones. I was a MESS, I was ornery, I got depressed, it was affecting my health, my marriage, my relationships with family and friends. No one wanted to be around me and I did not feel happy, I did not feel like my “INeverGrewUpish” self. Only one other time in my life did I have anxiety attacks where my hands would cramp up, distort in weird ways and I couldn’t get them undone. They were starting to come back…

My husband, my very “let’s just solve this problem this second” husband, told me for months to pick up a time management book. There are plenty of women with crazy busy lives who manage it! (To be honest I didn’t appreciate that comment at the time.) Of course it was a few months before I finally picked out a book. I couldn’t even deal with walking down the aisle at Barnes & Noble without freaking out so I begged the nearby employee to grab me one. He gave me two of the bestsellers and honestly, I saw one was written by a female and bought that one. It was Time Management from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule–and Your Life by Julie Morgenstern.

I ran home, pulled out a pen and notepad, put the girls to bed and dove in. After CHAPTER ONE I felt so relieved. “Ok,” I told myself, “this is SO doable. I can do this; I know this is going to help.” The book had me go through my time, see where it was getting wasted, time-map my day, define my goals and activities and teach me to say NO, to DELEGATE and to get my responsibilities done!

I am not light years ahead from where I was, and to be honest still have a bit more to go, but now I am getting MORE done, feeling like myself and making time for my marriage, doing things I enjoy, spending time with friends, picking up a book and doing more of what I enjoy the most—having fun with my girls.

And now I am onto her next book, Organizing from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System For Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your Life. My home is nice, clean and uncluttered ALTHOUGH whenever I need something it stresses us ALL out. I have to cut myself some slack; I moved into our home less than two months ago. But we need to take the stress level down in our home even more and organizing my home so we can all find things when we need them will make a huge difference.

So wish me luck and use these books to help YOU be a happy mommy!

More with Julie Morgenstern

Follow her on twitter @JulieMorganizer

Check her out on YouTube in this great video:

P.S. I recently read another article from another amazing woman that is helping me hugely. Five tips for freedom (from doing it all) by Pamela Baumeister Editor of Wasatch Woman.

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