Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake by Michael B. Kaplan

December 10th, 2012 in Books/Reading

Sorry on the low quality of pictures of the book. I found this one before we moved out here and I snapped a picture of it last minute to show you all.

Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake by Michael B. Kaplan is just so cute! And it is not one just for girls. It is a book for your spunky, “eclectic”, kind of odd, hilarious, stubborn, child. So when I read this book it was like my Cameron was the main character.

Betty LOVES chocolate cake and decides to put it in her pocket on the way to school to save it for later. Who can have patience when it comes to chocolate cake? But she tries her hardest! I adore the book; the illustrations, voice of the author, length of the book, and the little details in the pictures.

This is not one to check out, this is one to buy, I plan on doing so. That is one of the very few things I miss possession wise–I do love my collection of children’s books.

Be sure to check out Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake written by Michael B. Kaplan and illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch.


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