Amazing Race Girls Camp

November 8th, 2015 in About Me

We had the most amazing girls camp this summer. My new leaders along with old leaders created and pulled off such a unique and wonderful girls camp. Really, everyone worked so hard and sacrificed so much to pull this off for our Young Women.

I have had some people ask me for the run down and schedule so they can try to do the same thing in their wards. I will do my best to recap what we did. But I am a huge advocate for creating something yourself that is unique to the needs of your girls. I don’t have downloads or specific information to hand over. Because I think that it is good for everyone to fit ideas to what is right for their group. 

Amazing Race Girls Camp

Spiritual Theme: 

Be strong and of good courage Joshua 1:9, Being a strong WOMAN of God. Every devotional we highlighted a new woman from the scriptures (from Abish to Esther to the mothers of the Stripling Warriors to our Heavenly Mother) Our guest speakers spoke on how to be a strong woman of God in the church.


Amazing Race Theme:

We tried to focus on service, and three of the activities were service projects. One was with “nature” gardening at the Salt Lake City offices. One was with “God’s creations” helping out at Animal Services. The last one fell through last minute but was going to be with “Serving Others” and helping out at the Ronald McDonald house.

The last day we had an intense physical and fun day planned as an amazing race that was an actual hurry hurry hurry race. Everything from rowing down a river to jumping off a high dive to sitting at the temple. A full schedule is below and it was a blast.

Clue Packets: 

We divided up the girls into 5 teams of 4-6 (really depended on the seats in cars). Every day the teams changed as well as the YCL over them and the adult leader over them. Every day the adult leader of the team was given a packet. The girls were not allowed to look at the packet because the answers, addresses, and directions were on a sheet in the packet. But in the packet were clues that the YCL in each car had to open to figure out where to go. The leader/driver could not start driving until they figured out the clue. Some clues were silly, some religious, some had to do with songs or church history. Sometimes in the clues were things to do together in the car during the drive. For example singing a certain song, or reading certain scriptures, etc.


Amazing Race Girls Schedule

Day 1

Morning Meet Up:

We had the girls drop off their luggage to their first team leader’s house the day before which was so helpful. In the morning the YCLs came 30 minutes early where we just reviewed how to be a Christlike leader and I had extra treats for them. Then the rest of the girls came and we had a devotional, gave the run down on how the day would go, and took some group pictures. I had asked all the girls to send me their favorite song and had burned a CD for every car with all the songs on it to listen to. We also had a cooler in each car with snacks and water in them to keep us fed on our busy day.

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Clue #1 To drive to the house (we rented a house off vrbo in Cottonwood Heights)

Clue #2 gardening at Salt Lake County Building


Clue #3 Lunch & Devotional at Liberty Park


Clue #4 Service Project at Salt Lake County Animal Services


Clue #5 Return to house

Guest Speaker: We had artist Annie Henrie come and speak to us on how to be a strong woman of God. My girls loved looking at her artwork and hearing about her experience of deciding to serve a mission.

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Skits: I really liked how we decided to do skits. We wrote the skits and passed out the lines and filmed them on a Tuesday night before camp. Then two of the leaders edited the films, uploaded them to vimeo, and played them off our ROKU at camp. It was really different and fun to watch the skits on TV together.

Day 2

Clue #6 Hike to Lake Mary, Martha, and Catherine

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Clue #7 Return to House

Clue #8 Friendshipping Lesson & Activities

Clue #9 Prepare for Amazing Race Next Day. We had the girls decorate the cars with window markers with their team name. We also had them decorate a plunger that they had to carry around with them the next day and take pictures with.

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Guest Speaker: We had Lindsey Redfern come and speak to us on being a strong daughter of God. My girls related with her so well and she is a special woman.

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Day 3

Clue #10 Local Park for Relay Race

We rented balls you can get in and roll around, had the girls eat a chocolate covered cricket, memorize a scripture, pass a ball with their backs, travel on a long board by pushing plungers. This was SO much fun, loved this part.

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Clue #11 Provo River Rafting

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Clue #12 Scavenger Hunt at BYU Campus

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Clue #13 Provo Rec Center

The girls had to climb a rock wall, jump off the cliff high dive, and go down a water slide. If a girl really couldn’t do it another girl was allowed to go a second time in her place.

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Clue #14 Payson Temple Grounds

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Here we read the dedicatory prayer and had some quiet time.

Clue #15 Tent Set Up

The last thing the girls had to do was set up their team tent at our campsite.

Testimony Meeting

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Day 4

Boated, played games indoors, cleaned up, etc.


I could give you so many other details and insight. But I can’t type it all up. It really was such an amazing camp with such wonderful women who helped us pull it off. 

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