after school madness

August 27th, 2013 in About Me

After the first day of school when I was walking all four of my kids back home I was looking forward to chatting, looking in their folders, eating the snack I had prepared. It was going to be an after school wonderland.

Five minutes later when my oldest was in severe whiney, grumpy mood. My second oldest was screaming over and over, “I’m booooooooored!” My third was hollering at the top of her lungs, “OUTSIDE!” And my baby was sitting on the floor hollering for me to pick her up. Don’t forget when my husband was asking me different business questions. Wait, wait don’t forget the whipping up dinner and taking children to dance.

During this, I looked around and fully expected Ashton Kutcher’s skinny self to pop around the corner and scream, “YOU’VE BEEN PUNK’D!”

This can’t be for real right? You aren’t expected to deal with homework, after school grumpies, talking people to and fro, preparing dinner, and calm down babies during their grumpy time…ALL AT ONCE.

I started cracking up like a crazy woman.

How in the crapola do you all do it?

You are all saints, impressive multitaskers, unbelievably talented. I bow down to each of you. And ask of you….TEACH ME. 

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